PART 1/2

In recent years the community of serious chocolate tasters has been growing rapidly and has gained widespread attention in the media. The art of chocolate tasting is equal to that of wine tasting, and the complexity of flavours in wine and chocolate are comparable. The climate, surroundings and harvest develop unique flavours and aromas in cacaos. This article aims to help you investigate these profiles with a summarized analysis of Michel Cluizel’s plantation chocolate bars.

In Part 1, we will cover the following Single Plantation chocolate bars:

  • MEXICO, Mokaya, 66% Organic Plantation
  • LOS ANCONES, Saint Dominique, 67% Organic Plantation
  • VILA GRACINDA, São Tomé, 67%
  • MARALUMI, Papua New-Guinea, 64%

MOKAYA, Mexico, 66% Organic Plantation

The Plantation

LOS ANCONES, Saint Dominique, 67%, Organic Plantation

The Plantation

The Plantation

MARALUMI, Papua-New Guinea, 64%

The Plantation

Asia, the island of Papua – New Guinea, to the north of Australia, in the Pacific Ocean. On the eastern end of the island, just south of the equator, the Maralumi plantation benefits from a moist equatorial climate and soil that is rich in alluvia, making the area ideal for growing cocoa trees. ‘Maralumi’, the ‘river spirits’ watch over the plantation that bears their name.

In Papua New Guinea, plantations are subjected to strict rules: from picking to drying, via the graining of the beans, everything is done to ensure rigorous quality supervision for the cocoa. The Maralumi plantation produces cocoa of the trinitario variety, with plenty of character.